Automated Install Looper Code on RPi via bash file

April 05, 2022

Current Version: Beta - June 15, 2022

In the early days of deploying thi software, I am making changes often based on early adopters comments and experiences. Check here often to see if I have posted a new version - identified by the date.

Note: I am not changing the version number of the software while in Beta.
To check current version date on your Raspberry Pi: Open looperLog.log file in the loop directory and look for the line that starts with ********* Starting Looper ** version date …


How to get Raspberry Pi ready and download the bash file that runs all commands to install Python code, module dependencies and create data (songs) directories for the Looper.

The software you are about to install is intended to run on a dedicated Raspberry Pi (RPi), inside a Looper Pedal Enclosure.
As a result, this install may overwrite or break some other audio/video programs/config files you have previously installed on the Raspberry Pi. Furthermore, the Looper runs a very tight loop for sampling audio - and if you use the raspberry pi to run other programs at the same time, the Looper audio may skip, have unacceptable delays, and otherwise not be very musically usable.

In short: Please use a dedicated Raspberry Pi with a fresh OS install to enjoy this looper pedal.

Automated Install - How To:

Copy these commands in a terminal window on the Raspberry Pi (or presumably, ssh into the Headless Raspberry Pi):

  1. Make sure your Raspberry Pi is up to date - type (in sequence, hit “return” key after each line):
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get full-upgrade
sudo reboot
  1. When raspberry pi has rebooted, re-establish terminal window and navigate to your home directory - type:
cd ~
  1. Download and run the script automatically:

Note: if you prefer to install everything manually, a step by step description is here. If you want to go quick - I have written a bash script that performs every install action in sequence so you only need to enter one command:

The following command downloads a bash file from my website, runs it, then deletes it. It install all the files and dependencies needed to run the looper. Just copy this line and paste it in terminal.

wget && sudo bash && rm looperinstall*
  1. When the install is complete you will be asked to reboot. You can do so with the command:
sudo reboot
What the automated install does:
  1. Installs various dependencies for modules GLib, dbus and alsaaudio. Also installs pip for python3 not already there.
  2. Create directory loop under your home directory, and create sub-directories data and repo (these are where the wav file are kept once you start using the looper).
  3. Copies the python files needed in the loop directory
  4. Creates two systemd services, one for the bash script that displays “L-O-O-P”, and one that starts the Looper service, automatically when the Raspberry Pi - Looper - boots up.