Android App

August 08, 2024


I have been working on an Android version of BTBerryWifi. This is almost ready.

However, I either need 20 Testers to get approved for the Play store, or I will need to sideload the app.

Contact me to register as a tester or to let me know what you think of sideloading.

The Details: I Need 20 Testers!!!

Current Number of testers registered: 3

Google has changed the rules for publishing by Indie Developers. We now need 20 Testers before an app can be published on the Google Play Store.

  • The testers must have a gmail (or Google workspace) address. I have to get this email so I can register them in the Google Developer website as testers.
  • The testers must all download the app at and use it for 14 days.
  • Clearly for this app to be tested, the testers must have a Raspberry Pi.
  • Testers must provide me with feedback - because I have to submit a test report to Google (which presumably proves that the app was really tested - and can be approved for the Play Store).

If you are interested in registering to become a tester - please contact me and let me know so I can add you to the list.


There is an alternative to publishing the app on the Google Play Store. This is called sideloading.

You would download the App file from my website and would install it directly on your Android phone. All Android phones allow sideloading, but in many phones (Samsung for example) it is disabled by default. I would publish instructions if we go w=that way.

Sideloading is seen as less secure because Google does not go through the approval process. So my question to you:

Would you install the app via sideloading, if it is not published on the app store?

Please leave me a note by contact me if you would be comfortable with sideloading.

I will keep this webpage updated based on the replies I get…